Můj NetFlight

Česky English
OK Aviation Group


It typically takes two to three days of your time to visit your business partner in different region for a few hours. Unless you are lucky that your destination is one of the few served by a direct airline flight a couple of times per day, then it really doesn’t matter if you fly there by airline or drive a car. You need one day to get there, the second day you meet the partner and at the best you may be home that night, or you need to allocate the third day to get back.

With your NetFlight aircraft this changes forever. Most times you depart in the morning and you return back home the same evening. You always fly directly to your destination; you don’t need to be at the airport one hour before departure and you may adjust the flight schedule according to your needs.

Your on-board time is not lost like with other means of transportation. You can prepare for the upcoming meeting or talk to your colleagues in absolute privacy.

So, NetFlight not only saves your time, it also converts your travel time into productive time.

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